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There’s no reason to put up with substandard security: we provide security services you know can keep you safe.


The team at AXE HANDLE 3 have all the skills, qualities, and expertise that you could need to see a meaningful change to the way that you work. If you want to make sure that you can be safer in any circumstance, then you just need to select the service(s) most suited to your needs, and give us a call.



Phone Consultation & Meeting

Work Site Evaluation



Investigative Services
Vulnerability Assessment
Threat Assessment
Risk Assessment



Program Design
Loss Prevention
Event Planning
Emergency Response Plan
Standard Operating Procedure
Training Scenario


Breakdown Of Services

EMERGENCY First Aid Training

Tourniquets can be a great tool to have in a crisis. Tourniquets work by stopping the blood flow to the affected arm or leg. AXE HANDLE 3 will teach your employees how to use tourniquets when the bleeding is severe to the arm or leg that a pressure dressing can't cover the Tourniquet is applied very tight above massive damage. We also teach the use of pressure dressings in addition to Israeli bandages. One of the most useful dressings is the Israeli bandage, which has a lever that pushes on the wound to hold pressure. AH3 will teach you how to apply an Israeli bandage quickly with practice.


Our program review determines the ability to protect personnel, information, and critical resources by detecting or deterring threat attacks, and failing that, to protect by delaying or defending against threat attacks. 


AH3 analyzes client security needs to determine needed surveillance systems to accomplish each client's  basic objectives.  Furthermore, we determine if current surveillance systems suit our client's expected company growth.


AH3 is fluent in policy and procedure design work, for a vast client base.  We create client-centered plans in an effort to provide facility security supports, efficient staff training, and measurable network security analysis.  


AH3 evaluates the physical design of your space to determine present on-site security concerns. Our assessments allow us to recommend countermeasures to eliminate potential threats.

Training Security Philosophy

AXE HANDLE 3 teaches tactics, techniques and security principles of guards and security practitioners. With our ability to manage security guards at a heightened level, AH3 will teach your security guards how to enhance your organization's value, while learning to execute security contracts at an expert level.

Areas of Practice

Sense of Security

The presence of a well trained security guard at your company can provide peace of mind and a sense of security to the business owner, employees and customers. Employees that work in high-risk areas are more productive and easier to retain when they are not required to worry about personal safety. It also lets your clients know that you are worried about their safety and willing to take steps to insure it.

Customer Service

AH3 trained security guards are also customer service ambassadors. A guard may man a front desk or act as a sentry to control access to an area. This can mean that there is a substantial amount of interaction with customers and clients. Trained AH3 guards will be able to help, and direct your clients within your company. AH3 staff members will also be available as escorts for clients and employees to get to their cars after late night shifts. Hiring personable and capable AH3 staff members will push your business to the for-front of costumer service.

Handling Crime

AH3 trained Security Guards receive multiple levels of training when it comes to actively responding to a crime. Training varies from recording details and calling the police. AH3 operates in conjunction with your business objectives. 


Not all AH3 trained security guards spend their time on active patrol of your business property. AH3 also trains security professionals to monitor video surveillance, check credentials, check for contraband, and how to restrict access to a specific area. 


Simply having AH3 trained Security Guards, is a great deterrent to crime and outsider threats. Thieves will think twice about targeting your business with well trained uniformed protection. We train guards to look for suspicious activity, report findings and communicate to the proper authorities. They can assess a situation and respond to security breaches, with appropriate force. An AH3 trained guard at your company is a greater visual deterrent than just camera surveillance or a standard security system.



The presence of a well trained security guard at your company can provide peace of mind and a sense of security to the business owner, employees and customers. Simply having AH3 trained Security Guards, is a great deterrent to crime and outsider threats. We train guards to look for suspicious activity, report findings and communicate to the proper authorities. Hiring personable and capable AH3 staff members will push your business to the for-front of customer service. AH3 trained Security Guards receive multiple levels of training when it comes to actively responding to a crime. AH3 also trains security professionals to monitor video surveillance, check credentials, check for contraband, and how to restrict access to a specific area.


Protecting our clients must start with understanding the risk of an attack. AXE HANDLE 3’s mission is to cultivate a culture where each employee, contractor, or family member is responsible for minimizing opportunities for terrorists to threaten or target our clients customers, equipment, their co-workers, and their families.  Although predicting the specific threat is not possible, proper planning, integration, rehearsal and execution of those plans provide a solid foundation for preventing, and if necessary reacting, when terrorist incidents or other emergencies unfold.  An effective planning process facilitates the necessary decision making, clarifies roles and responsibilities, and ensures support actions generally go as planned.

That level of protection is intended to lessen the risk of mass casualties resulting from terrorist attacks.  Protective measures needed to provide the appropriate level of protection must be in place prior to the initiation of a terrorist attack.  AXE HANDLE 3 members have sworn an oath to obey the Constitution and to protect the United States of America from enemy’s foreign and domestic.  Preparing protecting and mitigating from unknown threats often proves to be an arduous task.  However, AXE HANDLE 3 stands ready to engage threats of tomorrow while using comprehensive state-of-the-art techniques and procedures.


Benefits of Having AH3 security, Guarding your Business

Safety surveys reduce accidental exposure and make employees more aware of standard operation procedures. They are also an effective way of obtaining a complete picture of day-to-day work and safety practices. Safety surveys are most often used when one is trying to find out how people understand or feel about their situations or environments. They are used to assess needs, answer questions, solve problems, establish baselines, analyze trends, and select goals. Complete your free Safety survey today!


Sense of Security

The presence of a well trained security guard at your company can provide peace of mind and a sense of security to the business owner, employees and customers. Employees that work in high-risk areas are more productive and easier to retain when they are not required to worry about personal safety. It also lets your clients know that you are worried about their safety and willing to take steps to insure it.


Simply having AH3 trained Security Guards, is a great deterrent to crime and outsider threats. Thieves will think twice about targeting your business with well trained uniformed protection. We train guards to look for suspicious activity, report findings and communicate to the proper authorities. They can assess a situation and respond to security breaches, with appropriate force. An AH3 trained guard at your company is a greater visual deterrent than just camera surveillance or a standard security system.

Customer Service

AH3 trained security guards are also customer service ambassadors. A guard may man a front desk or act as a sentry to control access to an area. This can mean that there is a substantial amount of interaction with customers and clients. Trained AH3 guards will be able to help, and direct your clients within your company. AH3 staff members will also be available as escorts for clients and employees to get to their cars after late night shifts. Hiring personable and capable AH3 staff members will push your business to the for-front of costumer service.

Handling Crime

AH3 trained Security Guards receive multiple levels of training when it comes to actively responding to a crime. Training varies from recording details and calling the police. AH3 operates in conjunction with your business objectives. 


Not all AH3 trained security guards spend their time on active patrol of your business property. AH3 also trains security professionals to monitor video surveillance, check credentials, check for contraband, and how to restrict access to a specific area. 
